Friday, March 27, 2015

Moving to Sweden: An Update

Hello Everyone! 
I hope you all had a great week and now it is time for the weekend yay!!

This past week I had a big german test, uploaded two new videos (which can be found under the videos tab), went to the dentist, and had my interview for the swedish embassy. 

Wednesday was a big day for me last week. I had my german test that day and my interview, so my anxiety level was pretty high. After I took my test, which I think I did pretty good on, I had to drive into Houston for my interview. It was about a 35 minute drive to the building where the swedish embassy's consultant is located. For anybody who lives around the Houston area or has drived through Houston you know it is hell. I hate driving through the city. There are to many people who think they can drive however they want and it spikes up my anxiety. Anyways, I arrived there 40 minutes early, the one time I am early to anything. To waist time I sat in my car for about 20 minute listing to music and then I decided to go in, thinking they might be able to see me earlier. I was wrong, so I sat in there waiting room for 20 minutes.

 The two ladies who interviewed me were very nice and welcoming, which eased my stress a bit. I was very surprised by how fast the interview went. They asked me only a few questions, things like "Tell me a little about your self" and "What are your hobbies?". It felt more like a job interview than a possible life changing interview. They didn't ask me any question about Daniel and I's relationship. I thought I would have to confess my love for him in front of these people, but nope. 

After they were done asking questions I had to show them all my government papers like my birth certificate, passport, drivers license, and my single statues paper. Yes that is right I had to go down to the courts and get a paper signed by a judge saying I was not married. I had all of those things except my birth certificate and they also wanted pictures of Daniel, me, and any of our family members together. Without those two things my interview could not be sent in, so I had to return the next day. 

 I then had to make another half hour drive down to Houston to drop of the rest of the paper work. Before I left the lady assured me she would send the papers to the embassy in D.C. before she left for the day, which she did. This morning (Friday) I got an email from the board saying they will now look at everything and next time they contact me they will give me there answer. 

I am so excited that we are now getting somewhere with this process. I applied last year in July and was hoping it wouldn't take longer than a year. While I might get my residents card in the next few months, if accepted, I would not move until at least August of this year. I still have to finish school. I only have one more class after this semester until I can get my Associates degree in journalism. 

I am so excited that I might soon get to call Stockholm, Sweden home. Of course it will be sad to leave the place I have called home for almost 19 years, but I will always come back. 

I am finally in the home stretch of my application and I just thought I would share the process with you! I will add a few pictures of when I was in Stockholm just because I feel like this post could use some pictures. 

I hope you guys have an awesome weekend! 
xoxo Makenna

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

10 Years Time

Hello Everyone! 
Hope you are all well.

Today I am doing something a little different, I am turning a YouTube tag video in to a blog post. I wanted to make the 10 years time video, but feel like writing it out might be better for me. I could sit down and have a whole script planned out and memorized, but when I sit down in front of the camera that all goes away. I get distracted way to much to sit down and do a serious video, so I thought I would make it a blog post.

For those who don't know about the tag you pretty much explain where you hope to be in 10 years or what you think your life will be like in 10 years.

Life is one of the most unpredictable things so it is hard for me to sit and say this is where I will be in 10 years. Even just two years ago my life was on a different path than its on now. Two years ago I wanted to be a psychologist and get a PhD, I hated English and writing, I planned on going to a 4 year college, and I didn't plan on moving out until I was done with my masters degree.

I believe that the smallest thing can change your whole life.

If I wouldn't have met Daniel two years ago I would still be on that path. I wouldn't have gone to my local community college, and met the english professor who changed my mind about writing. I wouldn't have started this blog or my YouTube channel, and I wouldn't have started to write a book. I also wouldn't be planning on moving to a different country later this year.

With that said I can only say where I hope to be in 10 years. In 10 years I will be about to turn 29, so this is where I would like to be:

In 10 years time I hope to be married to Daniel and maybe thinking about starting a family. I hope to have a job that I love. I would hope that I would have published a book or two by then. I want to live in a nice apartment in a city I love surrounded by friends and loved ones. Lastly, I hope to be happy with where I am in life.

It will be interesting to be able to look back at this in 10 years and see where I am. If any of you want to do your own post or video I would love to see them! You can share them to my google+ profile that is attached to my blog.

I hope you all have a great rest of the week!
xoxo Makenna