Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Normal Things

For the past two weeks I took a break from social media to spend as much time with my boyfriend as possible. It was also finals week for my first summer semester, I am happy to say I passed US History part one! I also pasted US Government, but that wasn't really a surprise. I was having trouble in history and my teacher's teaching style just didn't fit with my learning style. I studied my ass off for that final and I still only did "ok" on it. Anyways I now am in the second summer semester and feel like I am doing much better in US History part 2. That's all I have really been doing: go to school, sometimes go to work, hang out with Daniel, watch Bones or Big Brother, and then do it all over again the next day. I was going to post sometime last week, but I never really went out and did anything fun or interesting. However, I did decided that my life is not were I want it to be and I am deciding to make some changes. The first thing I did was I finally applied to live in Sweden! (YAY!! way to take five years to apply, just kidding its only been a year, but still) Some times I really wish I could include emojis in my blogs just for more oomph, but I will spare all of you from that and just stick to writing. The second change I made in my life is I quit my job, well I turned in my two-weeks notice so I am technically still employed. I don't think I have ever mention it on here, but I work at a bra shop. I have been working for them for almost a year and as much as I like my pay and hours I don't want to spend my whole life hanging up bras. For the last month I just keep seeing new books I want to read, but I still have a whole series to get though first. I have realized that I would really like working in a book store, so I have started to look for a new job. I have had no success yet, but I have only just started so keep your fingers crossed. I really don't want to go to long with out a job since next year I will be moving, and I am trying to save as much money as possible. Those were really they only semi-interesting thing I have done the last two weeks. I wanted to write a post about getting my Warby Parker glasses and how the end product turned out but I haven't received them yet. Hopefully they will ship sometime this week. I am hoping they come in soon so I can make sure they are right before my next trip to Stockholm, so I will have them for the plane rides. I am really excited for this next trip over to Sweden because Daniel is moving into what will be our apartment this month and I will actually get to see and stay in it while I am there. I also might get to do some decorating, which I am really excited about. I have been watching way to much HGTV. However, I still have a whole month before visiting and it feels like time is moving way to slow. There isn't much more to talk about, but I will say I am loving Big Brother this season. I went into the show wanting Frankie to win, but now I wouldn't mind Donny winning he is the most adorable man on the planet. I hope they both get far and one of them wins. This season has started out great and I hope it gets even better.

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