Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Lately I have had a lot of obsessions that have recently just formed. One of them just started last Saturday, and it is Twitter. When they say Twitter is addicting they are not kidding. I recently joined the rest of the world on Twitter and I am already checking it ALL the time! I am still fairly new to the whole concept and have never really posted on social media as much as I have on there. I've only posted like 10 times and still don't even know what to post half the time. I mostly got it to try to connect more with all of you!
 I have never really said it in a blog before, but one of my goals with this blog was to get to know more people around the world and create a little community were everyone is welcome. It would be awesome if y'all could follow me on twitter so I can get to know some of you who are reading. You can follow me by clicking on the Twitter button at the top of the page or you can just use my Twitter name: @MakennaKupgisch or you can even leave your Twitter names in the comments below! Also another side note I have been wanting to say is it would be great if you could also leave a comment on any blog post giving me feedback on my blog. You can be as harsh or as nice as you want. I only want to get better and I can't really do that on my friends and families feed back. Alright back to the blog! My next obsession this month has been tea. More precisely Lipton "American's Favorite Tea" is what it is called here, but I know it is called Lipton "Yellow Label Tea" in Sweden, but I am pretty sure its the same tea. I have also been adding a half table spoon of organic honey to it. I have been drinking at least one cup a day, and it would be more if I had a tea pot then I would drink the whole thing. I have always love tea and drank it as much as a normal person would drink water, but I have just started adding honey. I always thought I didn't like honey until I tried unfiltered organic honey, and now I can't have my tea any other way.
Another thing I have been constantly doing this month is going to the gym. Earlier this month I joined a gym for the first time and it was nerve-racking. I wasn't sure if I was actually going to go or really workout in front of other people. Well I went to give it a try after all I got a good deal about $20 for 2 months. I loved it! I actually want to go to the gym everyday and always want to stay for more than at least an hour. I also don't just go there and play around on the machines. I leave there every time drenched in sweat, actually feel satisfied with my workout, and even become swore later on in the day. I have only just started about a week ago but am happy with what I have done so far. The last thing I have been doing everyday is watching "Murder, She Wrote" on Netflix. It is an old mystery show from the 80's and is as cheesy as ever, but I love it. There are 12 seasons and I am on season 6, but don't worry I haven't watch them all recently. I have been watching since around December or January and go through periods of just constant watching and then I get tired of seeing the same characters over and over so I will watch other shows. Right now I am in a period of just wanting to constantly watch it. If you love old cheesy shows where they always laugh at the end than this is a great show for you. 
Since it is summer one of my favorite TV shows is about to start, Big Brother!!! (by the way this: ! is an exclamation mark in the font I chose it just looks like a line ) I got into the show about two summers ago and I love it. I can't wait to see who is all playing in this season and who will become my favorite. It starts in about a week and even better it comes on multiple times a week. I hope they add in some new twist and also some new competitions. I am sure I will become engulfed into the show once it begins. 
Don't forget to leave a comment and follow me on: Twitter, Instagram, or even Google+ to help form our community and make it stronger! I would love to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. i totally get you when it comes to obsessions! Im obsessed with the show Supernatural, drinking coffee and reading! which is kinda of a weird obsession but oh well!
