Sunday, May 18, 2014

Just A Thought Or Two

I'm getting a bit tired of people lately.
Let me explain, so far this past month I have been questioned many times about my life decisions. There are three main ones that have been the most popular topics amongst my family and friends; my tattoo, career path, and moving. I will only write briefly about my tattoo because I might extend on it in a later post if anybody is interested. A little over a month ago I got part of my favorite quote tattooed on the side of my foot, and I love it. The reason why I only got part of it (first 3 words to be exact) was because the quote was to long and the side of my foot was not. Anyways, the reason why its been such an interesting topic to others is not the fact that I have permanent ink in my foot, but what the tattoo means. Before I tell anyone I will tell them they will not understand the quote at all, but they insist so I tell them. I usually only get to the end of the quote before they nod there heads and say "ah ok" in the ok she is crazy voice. I don't even attempt to explain the personal meaning behind it because they get lost in the quote. I have even been asked why I got it in the first place if nobody can understand it. It doesn't irritate me when people ask what it means, but the way they react after I tell them comes of as rude. A tattoo is for nobody but yourself. It is yours, and it does not matter who understands it or who it has meaning to as long as it does for you. Also many people have told me I will regret it when I'm older, but I don't believe in regretting something that made me happy. The second topic has been what the hell am I going to do with my life. I recently changed my major from psychology to journalism, so frankly I have no idea. All I know is I like writing, but I don't want to be a journalist. Everyone I tell thinks I want to be a journalist, when I honestly think that would be the worst job for me and it would be the last one I would want to accept. It is to much of a high stress job for me, all I want is a degree in writing. Then the question becomes what do I want to write, well I couldn't tell you. I can tell you I would love to be a free lance writer and maybe even one day write a book, but who knows. The last topic of discussion has been where and when I am moving. One thing I haven't mentioned on here yet is that I have been in a long distance relationship for almost a year and half now. Well the first six months wasn't long distance, and when I say long distance I mean I live in the US and he lives in Sweden. It was the same old story of the girl falling in love with the foreign exchange student, but instead of it ending there it continues. We travel back and forth by flying on standby, which has pros and cons. We see each other every two to two and half months, and in fact I will be flying over there Tuesday but we will get into that at another time. As of now the main question has been who will be moving where and when. Everyone has been shocked to hear that it will be me moving there. As for me I am very excited to have a new home in a year. As you can imagine my family isn't to thrilled about this decision, but I know this is the right one for me. Its just one of those things I can feel deep in my bones that I belong there. This will be my fifth trip to Stockholm and I can honestly say it is my favorite place to be. Don't get me wrong I love my family and friends and hate to leave them, but I need to be somewhere where I am happy. Yes I love somethings about the US, but there are also somethings I don't agree with and as of now they out wight the positives. As they have always said the grass is greener on the other side. As much as my family loves me I wish they would stop trying to talk me out of my decision and just support them, be there for me when I do great things or fall flat on my face. Love and support is all I ask for. I will never forget them nor lose contact with them, and I will visit whenever I can, but I have to go. Life is supposed to be an adventure, and I am just choosing to start mine a bit early.

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